Czech - Ghanaian Chamber of Commerce

Glasses for Ghana

Please help with donating your unnecessary or older glasses to the children from Ghana. They can make them happy and they will greatly help those who really need such help.

We have prepared collection points where you can put your unused glasses. They can be found at the branch offices of our partners Eyes optik. Professional opticians will refurbish them for other uses. Thanks to our project and with the support of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Accra and the Embassy of the Republic of Ghana in Prague and Humanitas Afrika o.p.s. we can help people in a difficult life situation.


The CGCC organises the collection of glasses for children from Ghana for the first year.

CGCC until December 2019 we collected 327 glasses, 241 new lenses and 64 cases and many other items awaiting inspection, repair and cleaning at Eyes optik, s.r.o.

We want to thank all those who have been participated in the collection “GLASSES FOR GHANA”, especially to Eyes optik, s.r.o. and the entire working team. We would also like to thank the Czech Embassy in Akkra and the Ghana Embassy in Prague for their support, activity and supervision of the selection of nursery school and school in Ghana.

We appreciate your interest in this collection and thank everyone who contributes to it.

The “GLASSES FOR GHANA” collection is still going on.


Partneři projektu:




Collection points

Eyes – optik branches

  • Brno: Dornych 420/2a, Úzká
  • Bučovice: Sovětská 912
  • Němčice nad Hanou: Poliklinika Němčice, Sokolská 522
  • Olomouc: Riegrova 379/18
  • Slavkov: Malinovského 551
  • Vyškov na Moravě: Puškinova 409/63

Puma Place Club

  • Praha 2: Kunětická 2, , Vinohrady